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General conditions of use

Last Update June 13, 2023

All references in these General Conditions of Use to 'Roadoo' must henceforth be understood as referring to Maslo

Roadoo SAS
132 rue Fondaudège
33000 Bordeaux France
T +33 5 54 54 79 96 -

Roadoo is an SAS, with capital of €52,960, registered with the Bordeaux Trade and Companies Register under number 521 481 705 and whose head office is located at 132 rue Fondaudège 33000 Bordeaux (hereinafter "Maslo"). Maslo can be contacted at the following e-mail address: Maslo is the owner of a platform (hereinafter the " Platform”) made available to users by the Customer of Maslo, a legal entity having signed a subscription contract to the platform. Depending on the Subscription selected by the Client, the Platform offers various options, in particular a distribution of Coins to Users, allowing them to have Gifts delivered to them to be selected on the Platform. The gifts are offered by the Customer.

The Platform can also offer the realization of Challenges if the Customer has opted for a subscription allowing their implementation. Access to the platform is from a website or a mobile application. Roadoo SAS declares to be the owner of the websites accessible at the URLs and (hereinafter, the "Sites").

I. Definitions
Terms whose first letter appears in capitals have, in these T&Cs, the meaning attributed to them below.

Refers to the contract signed by the customer with au Maslo. Within this contract appears the choice selected by the Customer between Maslo ESSENTIAL, Maslo PRO, ENTERPRISE, each of these choices giving rise to different functionalities and invoicing.

Refers to the person designated by the Customer, who is by default Maslo's main point of contact, ex roadoo. The Administrator centralizes the communication between the Customer and Maslo for the operational aspects of the Service. The Administrator administers and manages all or part of the Platform. The Administrator is also the point of contact for Users.

Refers to the User to whom coins have been allocated by the Platform Administrator.

Maslo online store, ex roadoo
Refers to the E-shop available on the digital platform dedicated to Maslo's gifts and commercial challenges, ex roadoo.

Refers to the products available on the Platform and which Users can choose with Coins. The Gifts are offered by the Client to the Beneficiaries.

Refers to these general conditions of use.

Client or Subscriber
Refers to the legal entity having subscribed to the Platform. It is the Subscriber who has the ability to activate accounts for the benefit of Users.

Means the gift points distributed on the Platform by Clients to Users. Thanks to Coins, Users can choose the Gifts they want on the Maslo Online Store, ex roadoo.

Maslo accounts, ex roadoo
Jointly refers to the Subscriber Account and the User Accounts created by the Subscriber.

Subscriber Account
Refers to the account created by the Subscriber when registering and to which the User accounts are attached.

User account
Refers to the personal account created by the Subscriber and assigned to a User for the use of the Service.Personal dataRefers to any data relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Refers to natural persons, aged 18 or over, authorized by the Customer to use the Platform in compliance with the rights of use and having a User Account. The use of the Service by the User is carried out under the responsibility of the Customer.

II. Feature details
Depending on the Subscription selected by the Customer and the functionalities activated by the Administrator, the User may have access to the following different modules.
1- Ranking module
- Descriptions of the challenges
-Individual, general and team rankings for each of the Challenges
2- Rewards Module
-Access to the E-Shop in which the Gifts are presented by category
-Ordering tool according to the process as described below.
3 -Collaborative Module (if activated by your administrator)
-News feed, post, post categories, comments, likes, photos, videos, internet links & Photo/video gallery
-Instant messaging: text messages or files (images, video, sound, etc.) in real time between several connected users (20 max)
-Information Collection: Quiz/ E-learning, Poll, Survey, Form

III. User Obligations
Browsing, access and use of the Maslo Sites confers the status of user and constitutes acceptance, from the start of browsing, of all the conditions of use set out in this document, without prejudice to the application of regulations relating to it and having binding force as the case may be. When connecting to their account for the first time, the User must tick the validation box of these T&Cs and modify their password. Each User account is strictly personal. It is up to the User to take care to preserve the confidentiality of his password. If the User were to realize that his password had been stolen by a third party, or that a third party had accessed his Account, he is responsible for modifying his password without delay. The User also guarantees transmit complete and truthful information about him, in particular when using Coins. Any erroneous information may result in a defect in the delivery of the Gift, to the exclusive fault of the User. Any new delivery for default by the User will be at his own expense or at that of the Customer. Finally, the User guarantees to place orders for Gifts for his own account. Under no circumstances may he resell the Gifts received.

IV. Interventions / User Content
User Content includes all of the elements inserted on the Platform, or created using the Platform. This Content includes in particular any text, video, photo, quiz, exchanges on the Platform, etc. The User remains responsible for all of this Content. It guarantees to Maslo and to the Customer that the Contents are non-viral, do not include viruses or Trojan horses, and, without this list being exhaustive, do not contain any content advocating crimes against the humanity, provocation to commit acts of terrorism and their apology, incitement to racial hatred, hatred against persons on the basis of their sex, their sexual orientation, their identity of gender or their disability as well as child pornography, incitement to violence, in particular incitement to sexual and gender-based violence, as well as attacks on human dignity, are neither racist, nor homophobic, nor discriminatory , nor pornographic, or insulting towards a person or a group of people. The User guarantees that the Content does not violate any legal or regulatory rules. The User also guarantees that its Content may be made visible to any third party, including minors. The User is informed that the Client and/or Maslo may withdraw them, without prejudice to any recourse against the User. The User guarantees that he holds all the rights allowing him to distribute the Content by means of of the Platform. The User guarantees in particular that the Content does not violate any intellectual property right, image right or any third party right. The User graciously authorizes Maslo to reproduce and represent the Content that it transmits from the Platform, on any medium including digital and internet network during the term of the Contract concluded between the Customer and Maslo and for the whole world, only to Users authorized by the Customer. The User also authorizes Maslo to modify the Content for technical reasons related to its publication on the Platform. Finally, when exchanging messages on the Platform, the User undertakes to respect the rules of respect and courtesy with his interlocutor.

V. Rights of use of the Platform
The User whose Account is opened on the Platform only has the right to use the Platform during the period of availability of his Account, in a non-exclusive and non-transferable manner. The User may only use the Platform for his own account. and in no case on behalf of third parties or make his Account available to third parties. The Platform may only be used in compliance with the rules for identifying and assigning the rights of the User, these rights having been decided by the Administrator of the Client who alone decides which Users he authorizes to use the Platform. The Platform, including all its elements (code, images, videos, database, etc.) is an intellectual work of which Maslo retains full ownership and that the User is prohibited, without this list being exhaustive:
● From copying or reproducing, modifying, arranging, adapting in whole or in part by any means and in any form;
● To make available to a third party, sub-license, assign, transfer, or distribute in any way whatsoever, free of charge or for a fee;
● To totally or partially extract the bases of data;
● To use otherwise than as strictly construed herein;
●To translate or transcribe into any other language or language, or to adapt or add any object not conforming to its specification;
●To decompile or carry out reverse engineering, beyond what is authorized by law.

This clause concerns any element of the Platform (code, images, databases, etc.), except those whose ownership belongs to the User or the Client. Any use of the Platform under conditions not provided for in the Contract without the agreement prior and written notice of Maslo, represents a considerable danger for the sustainability of Maslo whose intellectual property on the Platform constitutes an essential asset. Consequently, any violation of this article, voluntary or not, by the User, is deemed to constitute a sufficiently serious non-performance which entails the right for Maslo to immediately and automatically suspend the User's Account from the date sending a notification to this effect to the Customer and the user by A/R mail or by email, without prejudice to any legal action against the Customer. The brands and photos of Gifts on the Platform are also protected. Under no circumstances may the User reproduce or copy them for any purpose whatsoever. In general, the Client assumes responsibility for the physical and logical security of the individual terminals for access to the Platform.

VI. Points Awarded - Rewards
As part of an incentive or challenge program, "Coins" for achieving objectives may be awarded to Users by Maslo's Customer, ex roadoo, organizer of the incentive or challenge, according to rules that he will have defined. The Customer is solely responsible for the distribution of these Coins, the organization of the incentives or the challenge and the rules governing them. The User will access via his Account the quantity of Coins allocated by the Customer. The Coins only allow the User to choose Gifts on the E-Store of the Platform. The Coins allocated by the Customer are exchangeable as Gifts on the Platform for a period of one (1) year from the day and time at which they were credited to the User's account. not used on the date of closure of the Account and/or the Platform can no longer be used. The Coins of Maslo cannot be the subject of any transfer or resale by the beneficiary User to any third party, free of charge or against payment. Their use is the responsibility of the Client and the beneficiary User. Under no circumstances may Coins be exchanged for cash.

VI.I Specific E-Store
The basic E-Boutique, from which Users can select a Gift, includes approximately 80,000 items from 3,000 brands. The user can also access, if the Customer has set up one, an E-Boutique specific, whose order and after-sales service conditions are managed directly by the Customer, unless otherwise specified.

VI.II Use of Coins
Purchases of Gifts are made by the Customer at Maslo, the User having the freedom to choose the desired Gift with regard to the number of Coins he has, and within the limit of available stocks. Even if the Customer is actually the buyer of the Gift, which he offers to the User, Maslo provides after-sales service and the implementation of guarantees for the benefit of the User. The guarantees nevertheless vary according to the manufacturer. The price in Coins, the description of the Gifts and the guarantees applicable to each of them are specified on the Platform. A User may convert his Coins into a reward on the E-shop linked to the Platform to which he has access, insofar as his balance, indicated on his account, is sufficient. In the event that the User's balance is insufficient, Maslo does not accept payment of the difference to reach the required balance, except with the written agreement of the Platform Administrator, the User then having to bear the -even the amount corresponding to the difference. Management fees are then applicable and must be accepted by the User. On the other hand, Maslo being a BtoB platform and the buyer of the Gifts being a legal person, the User cannot assert any right of withdrawal. The main characteristics of the articles are described in the E-store. The User places his order on the E-store as follows: - Choice of the Gift(s), - Validation of the attributes (sizes, colors, etc.), - Confirmation of the delivery address on the condition of being in the covered delivery area, - Addition of the cheapest transport costs calculated automatically with Maslo's partners, ex roadoo, - Access to an order summary before validation . The User is still likely to modify his Order at this stage. - Validation of the order. Once the validation has been carried out, the User's Coins are automatically deducted from his account.

VI.III Order tracking
The User, after validation of the order, will receive by email an order confirmation or reimbursement of Coins in the event of non-availability of the Gift. In the vast majority of cases, the User will subsequently receive an email confirming the sending the Gift with a tracking number and the name of the carrier with the link to the carrier's website, allowing him to check the status of the order. Maslo has the items delivered to the address indicated by the User when placing the order on the Maslo E-boutique, ex roadoo. If the User is absent, or the address indicated on the day of the order is incorrect and the Gift goes to Maslo, the shipping costs and management costs for a new delivery will be invoiced by Maslo to the Customer. No change of Gift order delivery address can be taken into account once the Gift has been sent to the carrier.

VI.IV Delivery
Deliveries are possible in a number of countries detailed in the appendix. This list is evolving and may be subject to change during the contract. Transport times depend on the destination. They are generally between 3 and 5 days for mainland France and neighboring countries, 10 days for other destinations, however delivery times are given for information only. A delay in relation to the time indicated will not entitle the User or the Customer to demand the payment of damages or any compensation whatsoever, to reject the order or to suspend the fulfillment of any obligation, in particular that of the payment. In the event of unavailable stock, the order is canceled and the Coins are re-credited. The delivery of the Gifts will be made to the address indicated by the User when he places the order. Maslo calculates the cheapest Shipping Costs from its partners depending on the destination and the goods transported. Maslo will not be responsible either if the non-receipt of the Products is due to the fact of a third party to the contract or in the event of force majeure. Maslo may then cancel orders for Gifts in progress, without this giving rise to compensation or compensation in favor of the User or the Customer. The User will be informed and will be able to place a new order. The Customer will be refunded if the purchase has already been paid and invoiced.
It is the User's obligation to check at the time of receipt of the goods, that the delivery corresponds to the requested order, which can be consulted on the Platform and that its presentation, condition, documentation and packaging are correct. In the event that a package has visible signs that could suggest that the Gift could be damaged, it is the User's obligation to write on the delivery note (whether digital or paper) that the merchandise is damaged. Accepting the goods without this reservation will invalidate subsequent claims by the Customer and the User. Any complaint concerning the product and its delivery must be indicated on the delivery slip to be considered by Roadoo SAS. change rewards once an order has been made. Images and photos of presentation on the E-Boutique are non-contractual. The Gift received may be of a different tone. In addition, each User's monitor color configuration may show a slightly different tone or color from the original. This case will therefore not be a reason for a complaint on the part of the Customer or the User. Finally, any exchange request requested by a person other than the requesting Client (in particular by beneficiary Users) cannot be accepted.

VI.V Warranty
The products delivered are covered by the product manufacturer's guarantee. Any commercial guarantees to which the ordered Gifts are subject will be specified to the User when ordering. As soon as the Customer is informed by the User of a defect or non-compliance of the Gift ordered, it is up to him to open an incident (or ticket) on the Platform in the tab intended for handling incidents. Any ticket received via another channel (mail, telephone,... ) or without the required documentation will be automatically void. Only claims submitted within four (4) calendar days of receipt will be accepted. Once this period has elapsed without any complaint, the goods will be considered as received by the recipient in perfect condition of quality and quantity.
In the event that the ordered Gift has been returned by the User, Maslo reserves the right, after examination of the Gift, to indicate to the User and the Customer that the non-compliance or defect is not not identified. The Gift will remain stored for seven (7) days pending confirmation from the User of wanting to retrieve the Gift after payment of the corresponding shipping costs, at his expense. Once this period has passed, the User will lose the right to any claim. Conversely, if the defect or non-conformity is identified, the User will see his account recredited with the number of Coins used for the purchase, shipping costs included, or will be sent a new equivalent Gift. their own authorized technical assistance network will be subject to the guaranteed conditions and procedures established by said network, which the User must agree to respect. Maslo will not accept any return of Gifts that have not been previously authorized by the allocation of an RMA (“Return Merchandise Authorization”) number by Maslo's after-sales service (“SAV”), ex roadoo.
No returns or refunds will be permitted in the following cases:
● Loss or manipulation of any of the control labels from the manufacturer and/or distribution chain intermediaries and/or Maslo;
● When the cause of the damage or failure is due to improper use, failure to follow the instructions in the manual / instructions that accompany it, as well as accidents, misuse, shocks, breakages, accidents or failures caused by other causes not attributable to normal operating conditions;
●If the defect found is due to a lack of maintenance, adjustment, overhaul or cleaning or any other defect caused by the User's negligence; the use of the Gift concerned (such as in particular with dust, exposed to direct sunlight, vibrations, extreme temperatures [below 5ºC and above 40ºC], humidity out of limits [below 10% and above 95%] and socket outlets without grounding protection and surge protection);
●For improper use of installed software or for use of illegal software where applicable;
●For damage caused by viruses or computer attacks. The User is informed that certain Gifts are subject to monitoring and specific guarantees, specified on the Platform, in particular when these Gifts are offered by Customer suppliers not referenced by Maslo.

VI.VI Alcohols
Ordering alcohol is completely prohibited for minors. Maslo will be able to find out from the Customer the age of the User placing an alcohol order. The User who orders alcohol guarantees that he is of legal age. Alcohol abuse is dangerous for health . To be consumed with moderation.

RoadooSAS reserves the right to make, without notice, the modifications it deems appropriate to the content of the Platform and the Site. This applies to both content and terms of use. These modifications must be respected by all Users.

VIII. Disclaimer
Although Maslo is in direct contact with the User for sending the Gift and after-sales service, the customer of Maslo is the Customer and not the User. In the event of a problem with the Gift received and/or the Service of Maslo, the User must inform the Customer who may try to find a solution directly with Maslo. The User cannot engage the contractual responsibility of Maslo , the Subscription and the sale of the Gifts being concluded between the Customer and Maslo. Roadoo SAS cannot be held responsible for the content of websites to which the User can access through the links provided on its Site and /or on the Platform, and declares that it does not exercise any type of verification or control of the content of other sites on the network. Likewise, it does not guarantee the technical availability, accuracy, veracity, validity or legality of the sites accessible through links that do not belong to it. Finally, the User's navigation is at their own risk. , the latter being informed of the risks inherent in browsing the Internet, in particular fraudulent intrusion, loss of data, viruses, etc. for which Maslo cannot be held liable.

IX.Notification of illegal content
In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, Maslo, in its capacity as a technical intermediary, is not subject to a general obligation to monitor the information contained on its Platform. Any person wishing to bring to the knowledge of Maslo and the Client, the dissemination of manifestly illegal content must provide all the information making it possible to locate the content in question on the Platform and to determine the illegal nature of the content concerned. To do this, it is possible to send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the address:
ROADOO SAS (Maslo)- 132 rue Fondaudège - 33000 Bordeaux.

This notification must specify:
o the date of the notification;
o the identity of the User: surname, first names, profession, domicile, nationality, date and place of birth (if it is a natural person) or form , name, registered office and body of legal representation (if it is a legal person);
o the identification of the User and/or the incriminated content;
o the description of the disputed facts and their precise location on the Platform, in particular the URL of the page of the content in question;
othe reasons for which the content must be removed, including the mention of the legal provisions and the justifications of facts;
o   the copy of the correspondence addressed to the person who published the illegal content requesting its interruption, removal or modification, or the justification that the said person could not be contacted.

Maslo will transmit the report to the Customer or will assess the illicit nature of the notified content and, if necessary, will act promptly to remove the content concerned or make access to it impossible. In accordance with the provisions of article 6-I-4 of law n°2004-575 of June 21, 2004, the fact, for any person, of presenting to Maslo or to the Customer a content or an activity as being illicit in order to obtain its withdrawal or to stop its distribution, while he knows this inaccurate information, is punished by a penalty of up to one year's imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 EUR. receipt of a notification noting content constituting offenses of apology for crimes against humanity, incitement to racial hatred, or relating to child pornography, Maslo will inform the competent public authorities.

X.Data protection
In accordance with the regulations in force on the Protection of Personal Data, Maslo informs the User that some of his personal data will be integrated into the processing system, property of Roadoo SAS in order to facilitate, accelerate and fulfill the commitments made with the Customer, such as access to its automated incentive platform and its various functionalities including the management and delivery of orders. This data will be used by Roadoo SAS or its subsidiaries as subcontractors of the Customer , the latter being the data controller. The Personal Data of Users are in fact the subject of processing by Maslo only in the name and on behalf of the Customer.
The Data collected are:
Personal data relates to the following categories of data:
-    Identification data: last name, first name, professional email, professional telephone, username/password pair for connection to the solution, gender, answers to Challenges, interventions on the news feed
-    Data created by the Subcontractor to achieve the main purpose:
▪   Ranking
▪ Statistic
▪ Results display
▪ Order form
-    Data relating to security: connection log
- Data possibly imported into the solution by the Customer for ancillary purposes specific to the Data Controller:
▪  Department or department
▪. KPI
▪ Position or function

The purposes of the processing are the management of User Accounts, Coins, Gift orders, their delivery and follow-up if necessary. The Data is hosted by a subcontractor of Maslo. The Data may also be processed for the sending by Maslo of information concerning the available Gifts. The legal bases of the processing are the legitimate interest of the Customer. The sending of information is subject to the prior consent of the User. Certain personal data may be communicated to subsequent subcontractors, in particular: host, carrier, supplier, in order to be able to process orders and ensure their delivery.
The data will be kept only for the time strictly necessary to comply with the provisions mentioned above. The retention period is decided by the Customer, Maslo deleting the Data once the Contract with the Customer has come to an end. The User undertakes to transmit up-to-date Data and to request its modification where applicable. Roadoo SAS informs the User that it will process this data in a lawful, fair, transparent, adequate, relevant, limited, accurate and up-to-date manner. This is why Roadoo SAS undertakes to take all reasonable measures to ensure that these are deleted or corrected without delay if they are inaccurate. The Data is not subject to a transfer outside the EU. In accordance with the regulations in force on data protection, the User has a right of access, rectification, limitation of processing, deletion, portability and opposition to the processing of his personal data as well as the consent given to the processing of these if necessary, on simple request from him to the postal address indicated above or by e-mail to:, or by passing directly by the Client. The User may contact the competent CNIL to file any complaint he deems appropriate.

XI. Advertisement
The user accepts that Maslo communicates to him by publications on the news feed, inApp notifications, Push and Mail information about the available rewards and promotions related to the rewards available in the Maslo online store.

XII.Legal actions, applicable law and jurisdiction
These Terms are subject to French law. Roadoo SAS reserves the right to take any civil or criminal action it deems appropriate in the event of misuse of its website and its content, or in the event of violation of these conditions. Additional information documents :
- Policy on the use of cookies
- Confidentiality and social networks
- General conditions of sale

Annex 1 – List of countries in which the Gifts can be delivered
Gifts are available in 29 countries:
1.    Austria
2. Belgium
3. Bulgaria
4. Croatia
5. Cyprus
6. Czech Republic
7. Denmark
8. Estonia
9. Finland
10. France
11. Germany
12. Greece
13. Hungary
14. Ireland
15. Italy
16. Latvia
17. Lithuania
18. Luxemburg
19. Malta
20. Netherlands
21. Poland
22. Portugal
23. Romania
24. Slovakia
25. Slovenia
26. Spain
27. Sweden
28. Denmark
29. United Kingdom
**subject to conditions outside Europe

Specificity: E-cards have restricted accessibility conditions.